
More adventures

At this stage of our journey my kids and I are all a bit fed up of living out of a suitcase and are looking forward to getting home. I still have so many things I would like to do, and my handing over of the reins to the kids was met with a "you decide". So this week
we made one or two trips and the weather went from pouring rain and freezing to roasting hot. I finally bought the Dutch museum card which is valid for one year, knowing that just two trips to museums would pay for it. Our first stop was the Nemo, the science and discovery museum in Amsterdam. It is such an amazing place, and I have to admit I was the one who got a bit overwhelmed by it all and needed a quiet spot. In fact, throughout this entire experience, my own autistic traits are coming more to the fore than I had ever imagined, maybe because I am more aware of them since reading up for my own girls. Nemo is divided up in to floors, with each floor displaying a different science. It was very interesting to see how the girls are went in different directions, according to what they liked. The top floor has an entire section for pre teenagers and teenagers, full of information about hormones and body changes and everything that growing up entails. I thought this was a great idea, and Siobhan spent quite a while up there going through it all. Ana went for the technology section, how things work, most especially mechanics. Cara was hands on with the experiments, and Grainne enjoyed everything. Here are some photos of our day.

In the same week we visited an indoor tropical flower garden, forgetting how hot it would be inside. The girls were impressed by the garden layouts nonetheless, and I had a great chance to try out the camera on my smartphone. We follwed up with a trip to the beach close to the afsluitdijk and chips for tea with Oma and Opa.

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